The Great Olivier Newsletter Vol. 1

Hello everyone!

Well, after humming and hawing for a while about if this was a good idea or not, I’ve sent off into the ether my very first newsletter.

I’m experimenting with this newsletter idea because I’m pretty frustrated trying to communicate with friends/fans through ye old traditional social media websites and getting blocked by algorithm bs. If I want to send a message about a new song, concert or project, facebook and instagram will deliberately limit its reach until I pay promo money. It sucks..

I’m challenging myself to follow through with this idea for at least a year and let’s see how it goes. Check out the first edition and see what you think. It’s got some fun commentary on spotify, a really tasty recipe for powerball snacks, and step by step how-to instructions on building a quinzhee shelter (surprise, it’s a totally unique technique).

In other news, “Dogs For Emma” is now available on most streaming platforms. Find a link to your favourite streaming service here.


This is it! “Dogs for Emma” is now online!! (It’s my birthday, so consider it a gift from me to you). You can listen/buy/download it on Bandcamp, and it will follow on spotify and other platforms in early February. Physical CD’s are also available on my Bandcamp page.


I’m excited, and kind of relieved to finally be able to share this album with you all. It’s been a really important project for me and it’s rekindled my love of composing and recording. This project came along when my relationship with music was pretty rough. To be honest, I was getting close to quitting music. I was unimpressed with my trumpeting, uninspired by what I’d recorded in the past, and I couldn’t really see the point of committing so much time into something that didn’t give back. Then, in the summer of 2020, on a whim I put my name into a draw for studio time at my friend Colin’s studio (shoutout to SSDP Studios) and low and behold I got picked! I arrived at his studio with no plans, no ideas, and no chops (I hadn’t been playing in months). Completely useless without any kind of vision, Colin set me up in a little room with a mic and an 8 track recorder and I spent the next week writing songs, layering horns, and recording keys and weird synths. It was amazing to be back in the studio and actually creating new ideas!

I finished my little demo residency with seven news songs and lots of inspiration and stoke. I used one of the tracks to get a little bit of funding from the Yukon demo grant fund and spent all winter recording more horns and keys with my computer’s built-in mic and garageband. By springtime, I was in the studio at Green Needle Records re-recording horns, and my friends Austin Tufts and Aidan Knight were helping me at Catalogue Studios recording drums. Many months of mixing and a little mastering later, “Dogs For Emma” was finally finished and ready for listening.

“Dogs For Emma” is the first time I’ve ever been truly happy with my own project and feels like the first step towards realizing the musical ideas that have been in my head for over a decade. I want to create music that’s driven by the melodies, by the sounds and by the vibes and not by some wanky eight minute jazz solo (I can’t do that stuff anyway). Touring, hanging out, and listening to people like Colin Sigor, The O’Darling, Aidan Knight, Nick Everett/Mauno, Hannah Epperson and Karkwa (to name a very very few) were pretty instrumental to how I want to make music and their influences fuel all my ideas. I also want to give some major shout outs to my partner Emma Dobson for everything she does, Jazz Yukon for their unending support, Austin Tufts for his enthusiasm, and Aidan Knight and Colin Nealis for their invaluable feedback and production help. These people are awesome.

“Dogs For Emma” is out now! Give it a listen if you want something a little different and mostly weird. I hope you like it because it’s the best I can do.

2022 Baby! CD release, new music and a FREAKING NEWSLETTER

It’s 2022! Hurray! It’s -35ºC right now and they’re calling for some -40’s this week. Instead of going outside, I’m going to tell you about the new projects I’m currently working on.

Dogs For Emma - Out January 27

My new EP, Dogs For Emma, will be released on Bandcamp January 27th. You can now pre-order the digital album and CD’s on Bandcamp. If you’re unable to shell out them bucks, just wait a few extra weeks and it will be out on most streaming services.

The Jenni House Residency

I just started a very cool residency at the Jenni House in Whitehorse. For most of January, you’ll find me in one of the cool looking old-timey log cabins by the water besides Shipyards Park. I’m currently writing music for a new ensemble TBD, and I’ll be announcing some fun events later this month. There will be some open house days and some performances, but with C****-19 exploding there might be some changes to my original plans. Stay tuned!

The Great Olivier Newsletter

I’m doing it! I’m starting a newsletter! I might be overcommitting myself here, but I’m determined to try to make this happen.

It’s going to be a monthly(ish) newsletter filled with music updates and outdoor adventure stuff. Come for the quirky Olivier news, but stay for the Emma food section. I’ll be working with my partner Emma on an outdoor food section with recipes and tips and tricks for having the best food in the back/front country.

Who knows how well this newsletter experiment will last, but go try it out!